Get rid of stress. Get rid of your extra STUFF!

We can, and must, find ways to live that honour our spirit.  We can only take so much stress.  It's killing us!  To optimize health, we need to make sure our body is in relaxation response as much as possible.  Write a prescriptions for yourself – What do you need to do so your body can heal itself?  What are the beliefs that you operate under?  Remember – if a belief restricts or regulates anything, it is a limiting belief.   Watch words like "never", "always".  If your stuff stresses you out [looking at it, cleaning it, moving it around, paying for it (insurance, storage), making room for it, being restricted by it…] then your stuff is a major stressor in your life.  Do something about it.  If you can't on your own, get help.  Our bodies can't heal, our minds can't settle, our spirits can't revive if we're drowning in STUFF.  And it's so "fixable". For instance, I LOVE tidying and straightening up things.  I LOVE cleaning under the sink and having no hazardous products, no "unidentifiable" items, no clutter, no mess.  It feels so satisfying having enough and not a bit more (I'm still working on the latter – always releasing stuff that no longer serves me).  Don't live a stressful life because of your STUFF.  It's just not worth it.


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