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Dealing with clutter/hoarding using EFT!

OK, so this is something new! I've been using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or "tapping") for some time in my personal life.  As I've had counsellor/coaching training, this kind of approach using Energy Psychology is something I'm drawn to. I've found EFT works on many issues.  So, why not on clutter or hoarding?  Check the link below to find out more!  You'll be...

It can be hard to get started!

I recently helped a senior with a task that had been nagging at her for over a year – to clean out the place where she filed her papers.  She essentially just "stuffed" them in a shelf, trying to put "like things" together.  After a year, the area was overcrowded and daunting.  We spent about 3 hours together and went through every piece of paper – I did the sorting, she...