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Peace of Mind is Priceless…

This is a testimonial from a recent client: I bought the 10 hour package to organize my kitchen cupboards, bedroom and file system. Elaine taught me ways to organize that I never would have thought of, and as a result, I can find things quite quickly now. She also helped me let go of many unnecessary items, something I have a difficult time doing on my own. I would definitely hire her again to organize a storage area and to...

Learn to recognize the cravings to acquire stuff a...

Yes, it’s possible. We can learn to not feed our cravings/obsessions. How? Through training (such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga perhaps…). I’ve been following Buddhist philosophy/psychology for more than a decade and am a meditator. This stuff really does work! When we learn to become still, to hold the wanting and craving with an open hand – it releases by itself. We don’t need to push it...

Compassion works with Hoarding!

  We beat ourselves up all the time.  It’s totally NOT HELPFUL!  It’s not motivating.  It’s dispiriting.  Embarrassment and shame only cause contraction and retreat.     Craving/wanting leads to suffering – that’s inevitable.  “Hoarders” are not happy people.  An unquenchable, intoxicating desire for acquiring and keeping stuff does NOT...

What to do about “hoarding”

I have rec’d a lot of responses to my hoarding posts. I’m assuming that they’re from folks who are aware that they have a problem with acquiring and letting go of “stuff” or know someone who does. There is so much suffering around “stuff”. In any case, when we recognize what’s going on, we’re in a position to do something about it. Recognizing that help is needed is a...

A “hoarding” story with a Happy ending...

  A young woman had responded awhile ago to my blog post on "hoarding" saying that it was a description of her and her family.  Help!   I was in this woman's home and worked with her family.  She has 3 children under the age of 4 (including twin sons about 6 months old). And she lives in a compact space with limited storage options.  So, lots of reasons to be stuck in overwhelm....

There’s $$ in Your Stuff!

  OK, besides creating a clean, functional and attractive environment, there is value (pun intended) in clearing out and releasing your stuff.   Stuff can be sold. There are folks who can use what you don't want or need. Sites like Used Victoria (Craigs List & Kijiji) help you sell your stuff.   Stores like Good Things (Oak Bay Avenue) and Second Chance (James Bay) etc. offer local places to consign...

Dealing with clutter/hoarding using EFT!

OK, so this is something new! I've been using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or "tapping") for some time in my personal life.  As I've had counsellor/coaching training, this kind of approach using Energy Psychology is something I'm drawn to. I've found EFT works on many issues.  So, why not on clutter or hoarding?  Check the link below to find out more!  You'll be...

The Give-Away Weekend

Here is a great idea to get rid of stuff and help others – the Give-Away Weekend (or day, I suppose).  This kind of event takes away all the hassle of a yard sale while challenging folks to "release their stuff".  Ottawa encourages residents to place items that are "give aways" on the curb!    ...