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Creating well-designed spaces

This from local coach, Bruce Elkin – It supports what I believe about people – also having worked as a Life Coach.  We benefit from clearing out and creating "breathing room" in our lives.

"If cluttering-clearing is driven by a vision of a well-designed, well-organized space – just because you'd love to have that in your life, or because it supports something that you do want – the space you create will be clutter free and stay that way.  Although creating is more complex than merely clearing out the clutter, it is also more engaging.  A clear, compelling vision motivates you to take action, to keep taking action, and to build the momentum needed to follow through to completion.  Moreover, you avoid the stress that comes with fighting against what you don't want.  When you're creating what matters, you work with the path of least resistance.  Your actions more naturally and easily flow toward what you do want."