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The Overflowing Storage Room

I recently helped a woman clear out a basement storage room.  It was brimming over with stuff – with hardly room to move around in the crowded space.  So, everytying on the floor came out into an adjacent area, shelves in the room were reorganized with "like things together".  Bins were found to gather and collect all the stuff that needed to find a home together – the camping stuff, various types of sports equipment, tools…  Finally, the floor was clear, bins labelled, stuff grouped together.   Still to remain is to further refine the storage bins on the shelves.  Some of this stuff is best sorted "upstairs", in the light, with a cup of tea (or stronger beverage), some recycle/donate/trash bins to make it easy to decide whether to "keep or release".   Then, one bin or box at a time, the "inside" stuff can be gone through, sorted, organized and labeled.  Again, a good start and a beginning to reorganizing other areas of the house.